Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is music to you?

I want to know. For me, music is what fill the empty moments and thoughts with something of substance that makes life worth living. Seeing a live performance of a song that speaks to you, or hearing a song pop on the radio at just the right time saying just the right thing, is magic!

I've been in a funk phase for a bit, but still loving everything from Count Basie to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I can't imagine life without this wondrous source of happiness. This is a shout out to all those that put their thoughts, feelings, prayers, personalities, and love into a form we can all hear, thank you, thank you, thank you! Something counter beautiful.


  1. Music is a window into someone else's creative process. Something to let you close your eyes and live outside yourself for a couple minutes.

    A driving force to create.

    A mood inspiration -- only certain music will do for those times you're creating yourself, like writing a story or inking art.

    It's a hat, an accessory to life. It makes life richer in all ways.

  2. I like music until it hurts my ears...
