Friday, September 4, 2009

All I've ever wanted, All I've ever needed. . .

It's official, I can die! I've seen my all time, #1, can not be beat or topped concert: DEPECHE MODE! August 10th 2009 Key Area, Seattle WA. The night started off blasting DM Live in my apartment. It's summer in Seattle so the living room windows were wide open. One of my neighbors passes by and yells into the window "Turn it down!". Whatever grandma not even you can stop the rock or the chills going through my body. My amazing boyfriend, Jesse, who bought the tickets comes home and we're off to the show!

At this point I'm no holds bar, balls tot he wall, excited! We make the concert equivalent of strapping a camera around your neck in Paris and make a B-line to the T-shirt stand purchasing a Tee and two key chains. I was so blinded by my excitement I didn't even realize Pete, Bjorn, and John were opening for them. An unexpected treat since I just bought their latest album and had been enjoying it. We sit back and whistle along while enjoying a glass of wine and hot dogs, yes we are classy people!

After PB&J are done with their set we take a drink stop and pee stop where I captured the picture below.
I'm a little excited, can you tell? Side note I think I should see a therapist about my obsession with bathroom pictures, or if nothing else start a whole new adults only blog if ya know what I mean!

So, back to the show! Depeche Mode! DM! Dave Gahan, Martin Gore, and Andrew Fletcher! Wait! Back story! I've been listening to DM since I was 10! TEN! I'm twenty eight! That's more of my life listening to them than not! And I have Johnathan Brandis, God rest his soul, to thank! My Sister and I were die hard JB "fans" (more like horny admireres) in the early 90's and like any self respecting girls of the time my sis and I devored any and all JB info. He was interviwed in BOB (don't judge!) and listed his favorite bands, DM being one. And being the ever willing to please girl that I was I just had to hear them for myself, I mean can you imagine if I were to meet JB and NOT know what his favorite band sounded like! Yeah, exactly, so reguardless of the insanely embarassing reason how I came to find out about DM the point is I adopted them as my own and eightteen years later I'm still in love!

So, now, back to the show! The lights dim, the fog machines hum, and freakin DM step out on stage. I can't jump up and down fast enough or scream hard enough to express how much I love them and how freakin fantasic they are, but that doesn't mean I didn't try. My outter thys are still sore!

Dave Gahan dances across the stage in black lather pants and vest exuding so much sex appeal even Jesse has to comment on what a sexy mofo he is!

Martin Gore doesn't dissapoint with a flashy silver squin suit fit for the mega rock star that he is!
And luckily for us in the nose bleed seats they implement the rock concert staple of the giant screen. which is the only place I can see Andrew Fletcher.

All I need is two notes into the song and I turn to Jesse and proclaim what song they're starting (only after jumpping up and down and screaming till I run out of breath of course!): "WRONG!", "Personal Jesus!", "Enjoy the Silence!". And it's at the formentioned song that Jesse turns to me and asks "Will you marry me?". We've been together on and off for 9 years so I can't say I wasn't expecting this to happen sometime soon, just not this night. After screaming "Of Course!" it took me a moment to think was he really asking or just testing the water, more of a survey as to how I would react if he were to actully ask. So, I ask "did you really just propose?" to which he responds that yes he did, no ring or date yet but the more important intention to make it happen!

All the while the ever amazing Dave Gahan croons "All I've ever wanted, all I've ever needed is here in my arms!". Oh Dave, you don't know how right you are! Jesse, wine, hot dogs, and DM, all I've ever wanted and all I've ever needed is here in this night!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Top 10 best Running songs:

I have to preface this blog by saying, I hate exercising. Hate, hate, hate it! I can’t do it around other people because I get so angry that if you’re within ear shot you will be subjected to some pretty classy comments on my part, usually something sailors would approve of. Anything that can make this horrific torture seem somewhat tolerable is just a downright miracle! So, when I found that the right song can make running not only tolerable, but even somewhat enjoyable I just about flipped my sh** with joy! Of course the obvious that bringing in my love of music to my hatred of sweating and prolonged stints of excruciating pain would help relieve some of the anguish is obvious, but what I didn’t know is that the right song would fulfill a lifelong fantasy of mine: Running to cool music in slow motion in a kick-ass movie! I may not be in a movie but all the elements are there, at least in my mind and that’s all I need! WARNING: Just because you love a song does not mean running to it will make you feel like a superhero at the climax of the movie when you’re lead to believe all is lost and everything will end in a horrible ball of sadness, but just then they muster all they have to see what was there all along and their fight is back and stronger than ever! (Yes that’s what I imagine). It has to have just the right bass, drum beat, and lyrics. My undying love for Morrissey sadly does not fit the criteria, I just about fell on my face in a ball of tears and vomit trying to run to “Every day is like Sunday”, same for TV on the Radio’s “Family Tree” LOVE the song, cannot run to it to save my life! Do not fret though TV on the radio does make some killer running songs, see below. So, I know you’re all (all 1 of you, thanks Dani) are dying to know “What Mary? What are the top 10 bes tsongs to run to?!”, to which I offer my list (in no particular order)…enjoy:

1. Michael Frenti – Hey World
2. CSS- Let's Make Love (and listen to Death from above)
3. TV on the Radio - Shout me out
4. Fujiya and Miyagi - Collarbone
5. Metric - Help I'm alive
6. MGMT - Kids
7. The Airborne toxic Event - Does this mean you're moving on?
8., 9., and 10. Vampire Weekend – I stand corrected, M79, and Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa: Question, were these guys just running the whole time they were recording this album? It’s insane how well it all works!

Of course I can only hear the same songs for so long, so I’d love any recommendations!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fav. Song tital of the moment

"You walk in like you own the place (but you don't)" -Shim. This song title is the begining and the end of a great movie in my mind. Thank you Shim, thank you!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Dead at 50 - His nose at 20

My initial reaction to hearing Michael Jackson died was "aw that's sad", but then I thought "Why should I be sad?". Any sadness was merely selfish. Thoughts of death and feeling how mortal I am. I was born in 1980 and now the gigantic pop start of that time has died, I must be old! Really heart warming empathic thoughts for him.. yeah right. In reality I didn't know him and I don't know his family, we didn't share moments of joy with each other. The only connection I ever had with Michael Jackson was me on a dance floor and him on a record. It's sad for his family and the children who claimed to have been molested by him (only for him to be acquitted). My hopes are he is at peace, no long fodder for the media freak that he later became, and that the children who accused him get some sort of closer from this as well. I think the biggest lesson to be learned here is: Parents don't beat your kids, don't verbally/mentally/emotionally/physically abuse them, over all just try as hard as you can not to f*** up your kids, 'cause they'll just turn in to bigger, weirder, sadder, creatures then you could have ever imagined! Oh and they'll might sell billions of records at the price of their privacy and sanity!

. . . Or maybe Michael is on a beach somewhere sipping a mojito with Tupac and Biggie!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Facebook vs. Myspace Music scene

For a while now I've been slowly moving all my vitural life over to facebook. For a few reasons, cleaner look, more friends perfer it to myspace, and less porno pop ups. But, there's one thing myspace has over Facebook. Their music pages. Maybe I'm simpled minded, infact I am, but I perfer to have one page for all my band needs! There are far too many options on facebook: You can be a fan, you can join their group and you can find their perosnal page. Plus I've already devoted years of "friending" bands on myspace that would take me forever to do again on facebook. I'm a huge fan of the Playlists on band page, no need to click to new sites to hear their songs or watch their videos. And Myspace has a whole page devoted to music so if you're in the mood to find something new you can brows around. However I don't appreciate every Bob dylan/John Lennon/Elvis wanna be friend requesting me claiming I'll love them becuase they we're influenced by the bands I like. Yeah you and everyone else with a guitar and backstage Betty dreams!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If KEXP was Food I'd be obese!

I'm such a nerd! I've been OD'ing on KEXP ever since I moved to Seattle from Los Angeles and sweet Mary and Joseph I still haven't had enough. If who ever is reading this isn't familar with this mind-blowing station check it out at I've voluteered for their pledge drives, which I will listen to all day, I've help out at events, and I just applied online to be an intern. I'm a total KEXP whore, I'm so embarassed, but too whorey to quit! I want to have their baby, and I will name that baby KEXP. I want to be adpoted and live at the station. I used to bow down to the Gods of Left of Center, on Sirius radio, but I'm sorry my former love I have found another! And it's listener powered and better than you'll ever be! I still have mad respect for KCRW in LA, but they interup the music with world news for the better part of the day and my addiction can not take second place to the matters of the world, War shmowar, what does the new Mos Def sound like?

Confessions Of a Music Snob

Well, here I am 28 and just getting on the blogging tip. I must admit my home-schooled, dyslexic, illiterate self was a bit put off by blogging due to the sheer volume of words you'd have to produce. But in needing an outlet for my love of music this seemed to be a simple solution.

I can't sing, I can't write songs, I can't play a musical instrument to save my life, but I'm not ashamed to say I have AMAZING taste in music! And not in your "oh I love everything!" kind of way, I'll admit it's a far more obnoxious “my musical taste is better than yours” kind of way. Do I know how annoying that sounds? Yes! Am I apologetic for it? No! There are some things that I am humble about from head to toe, such as what is in between my head and toes! Or the fact that I know nothing about geography, couldn't tell you who was vice president 50 years ago, and if you'd like to talk religion well mine comes in the form of sweet rhythms the lyrics brought to life by amazing talented people! But my musical taste and my cooking are my two best attributes!

So, if geeking out on bands, songs, singers, song writers, albums, and music history is your thing, then welcome. . . my people!