Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Top 10 best Running songs:

I have to preface this blog by saying, I hate exercising. Hate, hate, hate it! I can’t do it around other people because I get so angry that if you’re within ear shot you will be subjected to some pretty classy comments on my part, usually something sailors would approve of. Anything that can make this horrific torture seem somewhat tolerable is just a downright miracle! So, when I found that the right song can make running not only tolerable, but even somewhat enjoyable I just about flipped my sh** with joy! Of course the obvious that bringing in my love of music to my hatred of sweating and prolonged stints of excruciating pain would help relieve some of the anguish is obvious, but what I didn’t know is that the right song would fulfill a lifelong fantasy of mine: Running to cool music in slow motion in a kick-ass movie! I may not be in a movie but all the elements are there, at least in my mind and that’s all I need! WARNING: Just because you love a song does not mean running to it will make you feel like a superhero at the climax of the movie when you’re lead to believe all is lost and everything will end in a horrible ball of sadness, but just then they muster all they have to see what was there all along and their fight is back and stronger than ever! (Yes that’s what I imagine). It has to have just the right bass, drum beat, and lyrics. My undying love for Morrissey sadly does not fit the criteria, I just about fell on my face in a ball of tears and vomit trying to run to “Every day is like Sunday”, same for TV on the Radio’s “Family Tree” LOVE the song, cannot run to it to save my life! Do not fret though TV on the radio does make some killer running songs, see below. So, I know you’re all (all 1 of you, thanks Dani) are dying to know “What Mary? What are the top 10 bes tsongs to run to?!”, to which I offer my list (in no particular order)…enjoy:

1. Michael Frenti – Hey World
2. CSS- Let's Make Love (and listen to Death from above)
3. TV on the Radio - Shout me out
4. Fujiya and Miyagi - Collarbone
5. Metric - Help I'm alive
6. MGMT - Kids
7. The Airborne toxic Event - Does this mean you're moving on?
8., 9., and 10. Vampire Weekend – I stand corrected, M79, and Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa: Question, were these guys just running the whole time they were recording this album? It’s insane how well it all works!

Of course I can only hear the same songs for so long, so I’d love any recommendations!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fav. Song tital of the moment

"You walk in like you own the place (but you don't)" -Shim. This song title is the begining and the end of a great movie in my mind. Thank you Shim, thank you!